Josip Pečarić

Josip Pečarić

Josip Pečarić on the right with his wife Ankica Pečarić
Born 1948 (age 63–64)
Citizenship  Croatia
Nationality Croatian
Fields Mathematician
Institutions University of Zagreb
Government College University
Abdus Salam School of Mathematics
Alma mater University of Belgrade[1]
Doctoral advisor P. M. Vasić
Doctoral students Sanja Varošanec,(1994, Zagreb), Ilko Brnetić (1997, Zagreb), Ivan Perić (1997, Zagreb), Marko Matić (1998, Zagreb), Vera Čuljak (1999, Zagreb), Aleksandra Čizmešija (1999, Zagreb), Rajko Roki, Vidosava Šimić (2001, Zagreb), Jadranka Mićić Hot, (2001, Zagreb), Nenad Ujević (2001, Zagreb), Ana Vukelić (2003, Zagreb), Andrea Aglić Aljinović (2004, Zagreb), Mario Krnić (2004, Zagreb), Iva Franjić (2006, Zagreb), Željko Hanjš (2006, Zagreb), Mirna Rodić Lipanović (2008, Zagreb), Matloob Anwar (2009, Lahore, Pakistan), Sabir Houssain (2009, Lahore, Pakistan), Julije Jakšetić (2010, Zagreb), Kristina Krulić (2010, Zagreb), Atiq ur Rehman (2011, Lahore, Pakistan), Naveed Latif (2011, Lahore, Pakistan)
Known for Theory of inequalities
Notable awards Annual State Award for Sciences (1997), Order of Danica Hrvatska (1999)

Josip Pečarić (born September 03, 1948) is a Croatian Academician, mathematician and the professor of mathematics at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. He has written and co-authored over 800[2] articles on mathematics in mathematical journals, books, and conference proceedings.[3]

He is one of the leading world experts in the theory of inequality, so in world reference journals (in USA and Germany) he is called “a great name in the theory of inequality”. He is the Editor-in-Chief and founder of the international journal Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, and the Editorial Board consists of about 60 of the most well-known world scientist dealing with the subject. He is a referee for about 60 international journals and several publishing houses. In addition to his scientific work, academician Pečarić is known for his journalistic activities. He is the author or co-author of 250 newspaper articles, and 22 books dealing with journalistic or historical topics.



Early life

Josip Pečarić was born in Kotor (Boka Kotorska) on September 03, 1948 (In his documents it is written September 02, 1948) where he finished elementary and high school. Then he started studying at the University of Belgrade's Faculty of Electrical Engineering and he completed his master’s degree in electrical engineering under the supervision of mathematics Professor Dobrilo Tošić. After that he decided to dedicate himself to pure mathematics.

Start of research work

In 1976, when Gradimir Milovanović finished his doctoral degree, Professor Dobrilo Tošić gave him the copy of Milovanović thesis and together with Gradimir Milovanović he wrote his first two articles in 1976. Professor Dragoslav Mitrinović then invite him to work on his doctoral thesis. He finished the work on his thesis by 1979 but he succeed to get degree only in 1982 because of series of attacks on his work.

Monographs, Books

  1. J. Pečarić, Konveksne funkcije: nejednakosti, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1987, 243 pp
  2. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Diferencijalne i integralne nejednadžbe, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1988, 168 pp
  3. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, and V. Volenec, Recent Advances in Geometric Inequalities, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1989, 710 pp
  4. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Srednje vrednosti u matematici, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1989, 394 pp
  5. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Monotone funkcije i njihove nejednakosti I, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1990, 294 pp
  6. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Hölderova i srodne nejednakosti, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1990, 250 pp
  7. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, and A.M. Fink, Inequalities Involving Functions and Their Integrals and Derivatives, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1991, 587 pp
  8. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Cikličke nejednakosti i ciklične funkcionalne jednačine, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1991, 165 pp
  9. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, Nejednakosti i norme, Naučna knjiga, Beograd, 1991, 196 pp
  10. J. Pečarić, F. Prochan and Y.L. Tong, Convex Functions, Partial Orderings, and Statistical Applications, Academic Press, New York-London-Toronto-Sydney-San Francisco, 1992, 467 pp.
  11. D. S. Mitrinović, J. Pečarić, and A M. Fink, Classical and new Inequalities in Analysis, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht-Boston-London, 1993
  12. J. Pečarić, Nejednakosti, Hrvatsko Mat. Društvo i Element, Zagreb 1996.
  13. T. Furuta, J. Mićić Hot, J. Pečarić and Y. Seo, Mond-Pečarić Method in Operator Inequalities / Inequalities for bounded selfadjoint operators on a Hilbert space, Element, Zagreb, 2005.
  14. L. Larsson, L. Maligranda, J. Pečarić and L.-E. Persson, Multiplicative Inequalities of Carlson Type and Interpolation, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 2006.
  15. M. Anwar and J. Pečarić, Means of the Cauchy type, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009.


  1. M. Rekalić, M. Simić, M. Ivanković, J. Pečarić, V. Georgijević, Zbirka zadataka iz fizike, Beograd, 1989, 263 pp
  2. T. Bradić, J. Pečarić, R. Roki i M. Strunje, Matematika za tehnološke fakultete (Mathematics for technology students), 1992; Drugo prošireno izdanje, 1994; Treće izdanje, 1997.

Books from history and publicities

  1. J. Pečarić, Srpski mit o Jasenovcu / Skrivanje istine o beogradskim konc-logorima, Hrvatski povijesni institut, Zagreb, 1998. Drugo izdanje: Srpski mit o Jasenovcu I: Skrivanje istine o beogradskim konc-logorima, Element, Zagreb, 2000.
  2. J. Pečarić, Borba za Boku kotorsku / U Boki kotorskoj svaki kamen govori – Hrvatski, Element, Zagreb, 1999.
  3. J. Pečarić, Srpski mit o Jasenovcu II /: O Bulajićevoj ideologijigenocida hrvatskih autora, Element, Zagreb, 2000.
  4. J. Pečarić, Za hrvatsku Hrvatsku, Element, Zagreb, 2001.
  5. J. Pečarić, Serbian myth about Jasenovac, Stih, Zagreb, 2001.
  6. J. Pečarić, Sramotni sud u Haagu, Stih, Zagreb, 2001.
  7. A. Pečarić and J. Pečarić, Strossmayerova oporuka, HAZU, Zagreb, 2002.
  8. J. J. Pečarić, Pronađena polovica duše / Deset godina s Australskim Hrvatima, Zagreb, 2002.
  9. J. Pečarić, Brani li Goldstein NDH? Zagreb, 2002.
  10. J. Pečarić, Trijumf tuđmanizma, Zagreb, 2003.
  11. J. J. Pečarić, Nepoćudne knjige / Trijumf tuđmanizma 2, Zagreb, 2003.
  12. J. Pečarić, Hercegovac iz Boke / Što sam govorio o Hrvatima BiH, Zagreb, 2003.
  13. J. Pečarić, U Boki kotorskoj svaki kamen govori hrvatski / Borba za Boku kotorsku 2, Zagreb, 2004.
  14. D. Jelčić i J. Pečarić, Tuđmanove tri sekunde, Zagreb, 2004.
  15. Drugo prošireno izdanje, Zagreb, 2007.
  16. D. Jelčić i J. Pečarić, Književnik Mile Budak sada i ovdje, Zagreb, 2005.
  17. J. Pečarić, Priznajem, Hrvat sam! Zagreb, 2005.
  18. D. Jelčić i J. Pečarić, Povijesni prijepori, Zagreb, 2006.
  19. M. Pavković, Razgovori s Josipom Pečarićem, Koprivnica, 2006.
  20. J. Pečarić, Kad “stručnjaci” odlučuju o matematici, Zagreb, 2006.
  21. J. Pečarić, Kako su rušili HAZU, Zagreb, 2006.
  22. J. Pečarić, Za hrvatske vrednote, Zagreb, 2007.
  23. J. Pečarić, Zločinački sud u Haagu, Zagreb, 2008.
  24. M. Kovačević i J. Pečarić, Thompson u očima hrvatskih intelektualaca – Bilo je i to jednom u Hrvatskoj, Fortuna, Zagreb, 2008.
  25. J. Pečarić i M. Kovačević, Kraj vremena veleizdajnika?, Zagreb, 2009.
  26. J. Pečarić, Za ponosnu Hrvatsku, e-knjiga. Portal HKV-a, 2009 [4]


  1. ^
  2. ^ Author page MathSciNet
  3. ^ Mohammad Sal Moslehian, An interview with Josip E. Pečarić, Banach J. Math. Anal. 2 (2008), no. 2, 163–170
  4. ^